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We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories
We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories
We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories
We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories
We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories

Sofia Vergara Is Gonna Have More Fun With You!

Colombian goddess Sofia Vergara lands the cover of Esquire magazine giving us the deets on what it takes to love a latin women in a very revealing article which is also accompanied by a video from her equally as gorgeous son Monolo who lays to rest the secret on his mama’s accent in a promo vid for his new YouTube show.

An intimate conversation in which the bombshell from Modern Family reveals, in her own words, closely guarded truths about the heretofore incomprehensible ways of the Latin woman. Note: You’ll have to imagine her accent. It’s one of the great accents of our time.

A man walks out of the elevator, into the lobby of the apartment building where Sofia Vergara lives. Tall, handsome, relaxed, dressed in workout clothes. All-American guy. I’m just walking in, about to buzz up.

“Hey,” he calls out to me, “you here to see Sofia?”

Turns out it’s her boyfriend, Nick. He’s a very friendly guy, Nick, and he stops to chat. The more you talk to Nick, the more you like him.

After a minute I say, “Why don’t you come up and join us for the interview?”

He looks confused.

“You could help shed some light on the cultural differences an American man faces when he’s with a Latin woman,” I tell him.

A smile spreads across Nick’s face. He’s no fool. He waves goodbye and is out the front door in two seconds flat.

This is not a magazine story. This is a public-service announcement. Roughly thirteen million people watch Sofia Vergara on Modern Family every week playing Gloria, the gorgeous, caring, opinionated, loud, and much-younger wife of Jay, played by Ed O’Neill. It’s the best show on TV. You figure a lot of the men watching Sofia are single. Many have fallen in love with her — her Colombian curves, her perfect comedic timing, her accent. Unfortunately for them, they will never be with Sofia Vergara. Somehow, Sofia is nearly forty years old. She has a twenty-year-old son, and she has all-American Nick. So it figures that at least some of these single men in love with the Sofia Vergara they see on television will go looking for their own Sofia. And some of them just may find her, in another Latina. They may even marry that other Latina. It’s not a stretch to say that children, perhaps many children, will come into this world because so many American men are falling in love with Sofia Vergara.

Scoot on over to esquire.com for the full “sexy” interview with Sofia.

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