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We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories
We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories
We've Relaunched 🔥 Celebrating 15 Years of Entertainment, Fashion and Viral stories

Sean Penn Tells It Like It Is To Wyclef Jean

Do you want the truth or something beautiful? Unfortunately we live in a society where some folks claim to wanna hear the truth but that’s not always the realistic truth. Over at ‘Urban Mogul-Life’, they’re debating whether or not Sean Penn’s recent thoughts on Wyclef and his recent bid to run for the presidential election are justifiable. Wyclef was denied to run as president due to his failure of meeting residency requirements. They’ve been saying, some feel that ” Sean has no right speaking on Haitian issues, while others feel that he has put in work and his opinion is just as valid as anyone else.” How do we kiddas feel about this divided bridge? “Should Sean speak his mind or keep his thoughts silent?”

I say walk the walk rather than talk the talk. Put your money where your mouth is. It’s quite obvious. Their should be no debate. What does, ‘he has no right’ mean. Um, excuse me, if anyone’s bare hands are responsible in some way, even if what little fraction, for re-building and looking out for The Haitian people’s well-being than say all you want Mister Penn! Wyclef is a perfect example of what singer-songwriter Paloma Faith was speaking about in her song “Do you want the truth or something beautiful?” The following lyrics state, ” Secrets, lying, falling veils, I can be who you want me to be, Sacred, lies in, telling tales, I can be who you want me to be,But do you want me? Do you want the truth or something beautiful? Just close your eyes and make believe. Do you want the truth or something beautiful? I am happy to deceive you.” Weirdly enough I can picture Wyclef singing these exact lyrics to the Haitian people. Go figure. I’m sure he would be quite happy to do so 😉

Either way, thee only persons opinion that matters in this case is that of Sean Penns. The following are only a few but critical analysis Sean wrote for the Huffington Post…”I have never met Wyclef Jean, and all I really know of him on any personal level has come through the fond comments of a few mutual friends. Hence, nothing I might say, was in ANY way personal, or intended to be lambasting to anyone. My comments were critical observations of a political candidate and a leader of an organization in Haiti.”

“I was there for those 6 months after the earthquake and so many of us on the ground wondered where he was when that kind of attention was so necessary and absent, and why he was NOT helping to keep this desperate situation in the news.”

“When he chose to attempt to discredit me, claiming on the Gayle King Show on August 9 that my time in Haiti had been restricted to ‘one particular area’, that area he was referring to is the 55,000 person IDP Camp that I and my organization were tasked to manage by the International Office of Migration. Indeed it is at that camp where we are based, but in fact, I and those I work with have operated 24-7 throughout the city of Port Au Prince and the country at large for all these months, distributing thousands of water filters, food, medicine, medical supplies and volunteers throughout the days and nights from the back of pick-up trucks and helicopters.”

How do you feel Ladies and Gents???

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