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Angelyne Still Owns The Strip

If you do not know who Angelyne is then brother you gotta get with it! The self made scene queen of Hollywood or as wikipedia has it American singer, actress and model who is known for purchasing billboards advertising herself. The main trademark of her celebrity persona is a pink Corvette. But sometimes descriptions are not enough. Take a gander at la.racked.com’s cute interview with the now 60 something rocking big hair Hollywood Barbie. Angelyne.

You’ve seen the billboards. You’ve seen the pink Corvette. Self-made Hollywood icon Angelyne is alive and well, and we know this because last week she miraculously agreed to meet at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf on Beverly in all her bright pink, boob-tastic glory. After accidentally spilling her piping hot café latte all over us (she said it’s good luck), the ageless blond known for merely existing cozied up for an hour to answer our burning questions, from who her celebrity fans are to how she maintains that ridiculously tiny waist.

So, what exactly do you do?
“Although I act, model, dance, paint, write and create magic, I’m most known for my persona, the essence of who I am.”

What do you love most about living in Hollywood?
“I love Hollywood because I am Hollywood. Everybody loves me here—from the resident to the President. Those that don’t, I can conquer later!”

Do you hang out with friends?
“Yes, but most of the time I’m a loner. I like to travel alone. I have my own power. My power’s like heroin; if i do it with somebody else, it might diminish the feeling or overwhelm the other person.”

What’s a regular day like in Angelyne’s world?
“It’s totally mysterious! I never know who I’m going to run into. I often run into people from CBS or CNN, and they want to buy T-shirts from me and offer me TV shows. I run into celebrities that tell me they love me…I just never, ever know what the day will bring. It’s almost like the cosmic good luck fairies and angels have it all scheduled for me. Once, John Waters interviewed me and said he wanted to be a fly on my wall for 24 hours.”

Tell us more about your celebrity fans!
“Here’s a fun story: once I was driving through the canyons and there was some crazy guy honking at me for nine miles. I was going to scream at him and say ‘What are you doing!’ but then I saw that it was Warren Beatty. He yelled, ‘I’m a huge fan of yours!’ He’s such a sweetheart. I have tons of stories like that, but we’d be here all day.”

Do you have a special someone?
“Everyone is special when they’re with me.”

Why do you love pink so much?
“I’ve always liked it—it just gravitates towards me. Magenta is the concentrated color of pink diluted with white, so I think it has a really powerful energy to it. I read that pink is the most powerful vibrating color in the universe. Magenta-pink, specifically.”

How many pink Corvettes have you bought over the years?
“I got my first one in the mid-eighties. This is my ninth one, and I’m going to get my tenth next year. I buy them at Community Chevrolet in Burbank. I had a special paint made for me. It has a formula that is very hard to get because it uses a toner that they don’t make anymore.”

Who’s more famous: you or Barbie?
“Me, obviously! Barbie wants to be me.”

Where do you like to shop?
“99.99% of my clothes are made for me, so I mostly go shopping for fabric. When I do shop, I have to get everything taken in or shortened. I work with three different designers. I love The Blonds—they recently made a dress for me.”

What shoe size are you?
“I’m a five and a half. It’s very hard for me to find shoes, so I have them all made. I have so many shoes, my god. I collect handbags as well.”

Who are your favorite designers?
“I love Dior and Chanel. I like French stuff.”

Besides Coffee Bean, where do you go for drinks or bites?
“I love anywhere on the Sunset Strip—it’s so iconic there. I also love French Market Place in West Hollywood—they have live Koi fish there. One of the fish knows me; he always comes up to me and I pet him. As for drinks, I don’t drink. I’m already high! Alcohol would just mute my natural high.”

You’ve had hundreds of billboards over the years. How did you get them?
“Some have been funded by investors, some are up because people wanted them there.”

What’s the secret to everlasting beauty?
“First of all, I’m going to die young. I just refuse not to be beautiful. But I do love bubble baths! I love unscented baths, but sometimes I like to add my Coco Chanel fragrance or Bulgari bath gel.”

What about your hair and nails?
“From time to time I do get things done, but for the most part I don’t depend on anybody; I create my own image. I like to do my own makeup and hair. You know, I hide things in my hair. It’s so long!”

How do you stay in shape? Do you ever go to the gym?
“I do the splits. The gym? Oh god, no—I’m glamorous!”

What legacy would you like to leave the world?
“I would love to leave a legacy that helps people tune into their highest power and find their calling. I believe that everybody has their own universe, their own planet. I want to inspire people to do everything that they want to do. When you die, you drop your total DNA into the world and everyone gets a piece of it.”

That’s deep.
“I’m very deep, but I can also be very whimsical and light-hearted.”

Any last words for your fans?
“If you can catch me in person, buy some of my fan club merchandise! I don’t sell it online because I like to be different. I refuse to be online like everyone else. I took my website down but I still have my email. I’d rather have my fans come up and get all excited to meet me. People say it’s like seeing a unicorn!”

Want more Angelyne? Email [email protected] or call 310-289-4469 to join the official fan club. via la.racked.com

Angelyne in her greatest movie performance ever!


Angelyne bio

Angelyne Music video

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