It Is What It Is. How Millennials Are Changing Shopping Habits & Helping The Economy.
“If you were born between 1981 to 1996, researchers have you labeled as a Millennial, aka Generation Y. Millennials are the children of Baby Boomers and Gen X. This generation is described as the first global generation, the first to use the internet and be very apt at using social media and personal tech devices…hello, smart devices. Though this generation has experienced the advance of tech as a way to ease everyday life, this generation has also seen the slowest economic growth since entering the workforce and has been bogged down by student loan debt. This generation is categorically slower to get married or live together and has typically had fewer children than their parents and their parents’ parents. We are too busy working!
Though millennials have been given a bad rap by being defined by a selfie-stick or are considered lazy because they don’t own homes at a young age, they have become more educated about what is happening in the world around them, have become more in tune with physical and mental health, and are open to more ideas that shape the world. The debate could go on and on with every other generation having its opinion. But what the economy can’t deny is how this generation has changed shopping. Here are some random ways Gen Y’ers are changing things up.”
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