We Danced, Now It's Your Turn! Watch Lion Babe Electrify Live At Shambhala Music Festival 2024.

We Danced, Now It's Your Turn! Watch Lion Babe Electrify Live At Shambhala Music Festival 2024.

Shambhala according to the official site is thee epitome of magical experiences and music, and this year they celebrated their 25th anniversary. Enthralling and transported to a world of pure sonic bliss. Lion Babe created an otherworldly experience where music and art converged. 

A spectacular performance set by the NYC duo/married couple. Spanning original new songs. To classic hits dating back to their debut in 2016. The covered fabulous artists across genres and musical landscapes. Zapping electronic dance fever complete with hip-hop and soulful melodies. 

Get your boogie boots on and get ready to dance your arses off.

Dig it all out right below.

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