Song Choice of the Day: Sabrina Carpenter's "Paris." Before Sabrina's Meteoric Rise This Year W/ Espresso," 10 yrs Before She Was Featured In Our Revered List Of 'Artist's To Watch For....'

Song Choice of the Day: Before Sabrina Carpenter's "Paris." Before Sabrina's meteoric rise this year w/ the release of "Espresso." 10 yrs before she was featured in our revered list of 'Artist's To Watch For.' 

Like thousands alike before & after Carpenter. INYIM Media monarch,, is where the party is at for everything under and above ground.

Celebrating 🍾 15 years of pioneering & visionary creativity (2009.) Follow us also at our 1.2 MILLION Liked & Followed TikTok and all other platforms!

We took the only live performance of Carpenter's footage & dubbed over enhanced official album audio. (An exclusive rare performance via GMA.)

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