INYIM Media Meet-Me: Cher Keeps Calling Actor Paul Giamatti, But He Has No Idea Why?!

INYIM Media Meet-Me: Cher Keeps Calling Actor Paul Giamatti, But He Has No Idea Why?!

"Is Cher a huge fan of Paul Giamatti? During an appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern asked The Holdovers actor about playing a bizarre game of phone tag with the singer.

“There’s this thing around you that Cher is a huge fan of yours and she wants to speak to you and speak with you,” Stern said, promoting Giamatti to confirm the rumor is true.

“Every now and then I get a message from somebody that says Cher — she really needs to talk to me, like it’s important, like it’s crucial that she talks to me,” Giamatti explained. “And I’m like, ‘What the fuck? Why does Cher want to talk to me?’ Nobody will tell me, and then I never hear anything. And then a year will go by and it happens again.”

This has apparently been going on for years. Eventually, Cher did leave the actor an actual voicemail, but it was confusing. “All she said was, ‘I hear you want to talk to me.’ That was it,'” he said. “That was all she said. And I left her a message and said, ‘That’s great, I’d love to talk to you, but I thought you wanted to talk to me.’ And that’s the last I heard, I haven’t heard anything again.”

The actor confessed he has no clue what she might want to discuss with him. “I have no fucking idea. I don’t know what she could possibly want to talk to me about,” he said. “And it’s killing me, I’m dying to know what she wants to talk to me about. I mean, it would be great! I’d love to talk to her about anything. I don’t care, it’d be fantastic.”

Giamatti is nominated for Best Actor at the Oscars for his role in Alexander Payne‘s The Holdovers. Rolling Stone‘s David Fear praised his performance, writing, “What you do walk away from this cracked Christmas-miracle tale with is an admiration for what Giamatti can do with such flawed people stuck in self-perpetuating ruts — and how richer we are for having him and Payne give such lost souls such a generous spotlight to grow, even if it’s a victory measured in millimeters.”" -

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