INYIM Media Silly Animals: In Reddit Wars, Why Are Cats Being Sent To Prison?

INYIM Media Silly Animals: In Reddit Wars, Why Are Cats Being Sent To Prison?

"A purrrrfect idea or no meowing way?

When a Redditor started the conversation about prisoners being allowed to adopt cats, more than 1,000 people left their thoughts on whether that’s a good idea or not.

Reddit user izacktorres started the conversation with, “Prisoners allowed to adopt cats: The idea behind this initiative is to take animals from a cat shelter and place them in the correctional facility so inmates could take care of them. The program quickly proved to be beneficial for both the adorable cats and inmates.”

“Hell yes. My bio mom was a felon who had worked with horses off and on her whole life, her favorite was finally getting to work with other felons to care for stable horses and barn animals. I know not everyone who can be but encouraging empathy for some and companionship or responsibility on others is great.

Maybe we could also start to look better hiring for people who are dumped in parole or on release and struggle with any income.”

If Animals Help, Why Not?

“Emphasizing rehabilitation for prisoners should be the priority, and if animals help get them there, more power to them.” ~MattressMaker

Involuntary Mouse Slaughter.

“But who sentenced these poor cats to prison? And what were their crimes? Involuntary mouse slaughter?” ~Grand-Chocolate5031

What About Allergies?

“This seems great except for people like me who are allergic to cats. Then this would be torture.” ~TrackPad96

There Are Other Animal Programs Too
“We have a dog program and a wild mustang program at the prison I work at! It’s in the medium security unit (I’m in maximum) so I don’t get to see them much, but it’s been really beneficial for the inmates!

One time an inmate beat his dog and got some sweet prison justice from the other inmates who didn’t want him to ruin the program for the rest of them.”" -

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