Allow Us To Introduce You To Rising Artist INJI & Her Hypnotic Nu-Indie Electro Dance Tune ‘Bored.’

Allow us to introduce you to rising artist INJI and her hypnotic nu-indie electro dance tune ‘Bored.’ The track is driven by one simple message.  Being bored is OUT. Although we've never considered it to be in.

INJI humorously critiquing the stereotypical human who is “bored” with their life. INJI offers simple yet effective life-advice with matter-of-fact delivery, complete with tongue-in-cheek lyrics and cynicism. 

 INJI spilled the following about the project: “I’m just trying to offer the same advice I do to any friend around me who has a pessimistic attitude. Don’t!! Life is great and we’re young!! Go outside and do stuff you enjoy!! Ride a bike!! (with a smile on my face of course) I also couldn’t help but be brutally honest to those people who buzzkill by never being content and always wanting to leave the party. Positive attitude, positive attitude, POSITIVE ATTITUDE!! BORED also plays an important role in my debut EP which is all about a good-vibes, confident, fierce and positive attitude about life. Some of the other tracks focused more on a girls journey towards confidence through their romantic life, but this one is just about learning to see the good around you."

Without further ado. Get into the INJI groove. With INYM Media latest hit parade. The inescapable "Bored" featured right below.

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