INYIM Media Meet & Greet: It's Bentley The Microwave Cat?!

INYIM Media  Meet & Greet: It's Bentley The Microwave Cat?!

"Bentley The Microwave Cat!

The words “microwave cat” may make you scream, “What in ALF cookbook HELL?” but nobody’s nuking Bentley! Bentley, who lives with his humans in Oregon, has felt the warm, comforting embrace of that radiation box and tasted its deliciously greasy walls, and instantly fell in love. But sadly, Bentley has been separated from his true love since pussy + microwave = a disaster waiting to happen. Bentley’s humans have now put a catproof lock on the microwave, keeping them apart. Don’t you just hate it when a love story ends in tragedy? Not since Romeo + Juliet…

Bentley’s human, Brittany, tells Newsweek that one night, she and her husband had pizza. She put the pizza leftovers in the microwave to keep them away from their five cats. Well, Bentley, who is the ringleader of that pussy posse, figured out how to open the microwave and snatched that pizza. Brittany woke up to find the microwave door wide open and Bentley on the kitchen floor, eating that stolen pizza as the other cats circled around him. Brittany rescued Bentley when he was three years old and says that he’s got a ravaging hunger for FOOD. Me too, Bentley, me too.

Bentley’s owner said the cat has always been drawn to food and often goes exploring for it, having picked up the habit from his days as a stray. “He always acts like he’ll never get another meal, so, whenever he smells food, he’s going after it,” she said. “He still tries to open it and any cupboards so we have child locks on a lot.”

They also put a child lock on Bentley’s beloved microwave. Here’s Bentley losing it while trying to reunite with his love. Cue up Madonna’s Forbidden Love!

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