Love Is Love. Gay Flamingo Couple Break Up During Pride Month?!

Love Is Love. Gay Flamingo Couple Break Up During Pride Month?!

"One gay flamingo couple is leaving a lot of people questioning if love is real after all after they broke up during the last week of Pride Month.

On June 23, the Denver Zoo took to social media to reveal the fan-favorite couple of Lance Bass and Freddie Mercury are no longer together.

In a Facebook post on June 23, the Denver Zoo revealed that the fan-favorite flamingo couple of Freddie Mercury and Lance Bass were no longer together.

“Happy Pride!” they began. “We’re celebrating some of the diverse animal kingdom families who call the Zoo home, and today we’re featuring our fabulous flockstars, our Chilean and American flamingos!”

“Flamingos are extremely social by nature and flocks consist of collections of partnerships,” they continued. “This includes not only male-female breeding pairs, but also strong bonds between same-sex pairs.”

“While our famed, same-sex couple Chilean flamingo Lance Bass and American flamingo Freddie Mercury are no longer a pair, they were paired up for several years and acted as surrogate parents if a breeding pair was unable to raise their chick,” they continued. “Our flock is 75 birds strong, which allows our birds to flamingle with a variety of individuals and personalities, giving them many options on who to form associations with.”

In a follow-up Facebook post, the zoo answered questions about the nature of the breakup.

“It seems like our flamingo post yesterday may have ruffled some feathers and we want to sincerely apologize…for leaving everyone in the dark so long as to why our same-sex flamingo pair Freddie Mercury and Lance Bass split up!” they began. “Please rest assured that both Freddie and Lance are in good health, weren’t separated and their break up was amicable.”

“Mating for life isn’t necessarily true for all birds, and our keepers have noticed that some birds in long-term relationships sometimes decide to move on and pair up with other birds,” they continued, revealing that Freddie Mercury had already moved on with another female flamingo!

“Freddie repaired with Iommi, one of our fourteen-year-old female American flamingos,” they continued. “Iommi has been around Freddie for nearly her entire life without any indication of a bond before, so keepers aren’t exactly sure why these two decided to pair up. As for Lance, keepers haven’t noticed him in a new concrete bond with anyone else at the moment.”

Poor Lance! Fans are hopeful that he’ll be able to find someone soon!

“As we mentioned in yesterday’s post, flamingos are incredibly social animals that form unique and intricate bonds,” they continued. “Some birds are in male-female breeding pairs. Some birds are in same-sex bonded pairs. Some birds are mated pairs their whole lives, some will have multiple partners in their lifetime and others won’t have a mate at all.”

“Our flock allows our birds to choose who they decide to form associations with and we’re happy to celebrate their pairings this month and every month,” they added. “Happy Pride!”

Although their break-up may be sad news for many flamingo fans, this isn’t the first time that flamingos have been making headlines in recent weeks." -

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