A Stylish Time Capsule! Purse That Was Lost By A Teenager In 1954 Is Found 65 YEARS Later. Old Lipstick, A High School Basketball Schedule & Prom Invitation Still Inside

"A teenager who lost her purse at her Indiana high school in 1954 is finally getting it back this week — as well as the 65-year-old prom invite tucked inside.

As the Greater Clark County School system was preparing to demolish part of Jeffersonville High School last week, someone recovered the long lost purse belonging to Martha Ina Ingham.

The stylish little time capsule included several sweet mementos that Martha, who is now in her 80s, must have long ago written off as gone forever.

The county is currently tearing down some of the local high school to make way for new buildings, and during the demolition phase, workers of HCL Construction stumbled upon the bag hidden behind some old cabinets.

Based on the contents, they were able to figure out that the clutch belonged to Martha, who was a senior at the school in 1955.

And the items inside proved to be a treasure trove. There was a wallet with Martha's ID and Social Security card, photos, clippings of 1954 newspaper articles, and Juicy Fruit wrappers.

There was a Jefferson High School 1953-1954 basketball schedule (which advertised bottled milk from a local dairy), a coral lipstick, and a pin.

There was also a bus schedule and, most interestingly, a note from an admirer asking Martha to prom.

'Dear Marty,' it reads. 'I’ve heard that Paul has asked you to go to the prom with him — if he hasn’t I would like very much to take you. Love, Torchy.

'P.S. If you have already consented to go with Paul please forget that I have asked. If he has asked but you haven’t consented yet please consider my invitation.'

There's also another note, from a boy named Carter, which includes the line: 'Paul is an alright guy. But you’ll never catch him, he runs too fast. Ha! Ha!'"

Erin Bojorquez, a public information officer with Greater Clark County Schools, shared a photo of the vintage black bag on Facebook this week, imploring anyone who knew anything about Martha to be in touch.

'It's fully intact,' she told Indiana's News and Tribune. 'There's even a letter in there where someone asked her to prom. It is really neat.'

Since the post went up, it's attracted quite a bit of attention — and was eventually spotted by someone who knows Martha's youngest son.

The woman, now in her 80s, lives in Florida. Bojorquez said she will send her the baf this week.

'I’m thrilled I was able to connect with Marty’s family,' she told Yahoo. 'I hope this little piece of history brings back fond memories of her years at Jeffersonville High School.' " - dailymail.co.uk

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