“Linder Fall/Winter 2018 menswear is a narrative collection focusing on a gay man’s coming out. The years leading up to this “confession” are typically comprised of futile attempts to project a very traditional facade of masculinity, whether enforced by the social group or the individual to protect what is for many a threatening truth to their world; a man loving another man. The revelations that come after this very crucial moment are painted by a very strong and colorful internal life that awaits a place to comfortably rest easy and reveal itself, and ultimately define their own place in the world as a gay man.
Photographed by STEPHEN MAYCOCK / @stphnmaycock
Styled by KIRK MILLAR / @kirk_millar
Hair by CAMERON RAINS at THE WALL GROUP / @cameron.rains
Modeled by CAMERON PORRAS at NEXT MODELS / @itscamsworld
Special thanks to MARLEY COHEN / @ LINDER.NYC” – Fuckingyoung.es