5 Must-Haves on Your Modeling Agency Launch Evening

"A launch evening can be a terrifying and stressful ordeal, but it should also be viewed as a necessity. It’s still the most immediate and instantly successful way of getting a group of people together and putting across your brand message, showcasing who you are and what you do.

The first order of business is to contact the press, both local and national if you can, and all the industry people you can find the details for. You can’t have a good launch without people being there! The next step is to concentrate on the must-haves for the evening of the launch itself. Here is what you need to make your launch a roaring success:

It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget the basics when focusing on the bigger picture, such as getting clients and making sure everything runs smoothly. Put a budget together, hire an outside caterer to put some nibbles on, and get plenty of champagne and cocktails at the ready. Your guests will be expecting something to eat and drink, and they will judge your business based on first impressions. Make sure they’re great by hitting them right in the taste buds on your launch evening." - Malemodelscene.net

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