Allow Us To Introduce You...Topaz Jones' – “Toothache”

Newcomer rapper Topaz Jones has released a cool funk joint ready for the disco floor to light up in its honor. –  Entitled “Toothache”  the MC hails from New Jersey and has really got that ’70s-esque soul-rap-disco dance track down To a T!

Here is what Topaz himself said about the saucy new tune...

“We brought my real life auntie in to do an intro and basically just told her to yell shit,” he told The FADER. The other track, “Zoom,” gives more of a neo-soul energy with a sound reminiscent of Missy Elliott and Tweet’s “Oops,” but he raps on it double time.

Jones’ style is inspired by his father, who was a funk musician, and his grandmother, who formed a Motown music group alongside her siblings. He also enlisted the assistance of his cousin on a hook and some bandmates. “I feel like collaboration is the true sauce when it comes to making good music,” he said of the new music.

Dig it out right below you far-out Aristocats!

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