Gavin Rossdale Speaks

Gavin Rossdale has finally spoken out to Details magazine about his supposed relationship with gender transforming British pop singer Marilyn. Check out the following quotes pulled from the article itself.

Last year, the cross-dressing pop singer Marilyn revealed that he was romantically involved with you in your teens... - an assertion Boy George first made in 1995. Why haven’t you talked about those claims?... I think at the outset there was a sort of fear—that was right at the beginning of Bush, and I didn’t want it to be part of it. It felt like a cheap shot, so I was like, “I’m not getting involved.” I’ve never wanted to appear closed about it. It’s not something I’ve talked about really because it’s always been in the glare of a tabloid world. It’s just one of those things: Move on. When you’re 17, Jesus Christ. I don’t think there’s anything strange about any form of - you’re learning about life. It’s a part of growing up. That’s it. No more, no less.

So it was just a one-time experimentation?... Yeah. That was it. You have to know what you like, and I know what I like.

Here's what I say, most boys like Gavin spend their lives experimenting and attempting to figure out who their suppose to be in this upside down society we live in. It's just that in America, people who suffer from low self-esteem and unhappiness place judgement and web hypocritical labels on individuals who just wanna celebrate life with no worries to what anyone else thinks. File this under the, "Are you serious?!" department. I say this because it happened so long ago and it was in the 80s! The 80s for heavens sake.

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