Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren is currently featured in New York's Magazine looking quite cold and exposed. Read the following quotes from Helen's interview and also read about her new film "Love Ranch".

Helen on wanting to be a bad bad girl... “I’m a would-be rebel—the good girl who’d like to be a bad one. It’s true! I haven’t grown out of that, have I? I’m still the good girl who wants to be a bad girl. But I’ll never make it as a bad girl … I’m not a prude or a moralist and I never have been, but I’m too fearful, too much of a wimp, really."

Helen on what she said when the director of the movie (who is also her husband) asked her to spend the night in a brothel... “I said, ‘Read my lips: I’m not going to spend a night in a brothel.’"

Helen on what she learned after she gave in and spent the night in a brothel... “It’s amazing how quickly you get into dildos everywhere and pink-feather handcuffs. Within an hour you’re completely used to it.”

Helen on psychotic whores.. “Susan Austin [the Mustang Ranch’s real madam] said you had to be tough, because maybe you do have 25 psychotic whores. A lot of them come from very dysfunctional backgrounds, and women together like that can be very dangerous.”

Helen on female celebrities bringing ho shit to the forefront... “I’m thrilled young girls are claiming their sexuality for themselves. I love bold women: Madonna and Scarlett Johansson—sexy and gorgeous, but not only that. And Miley Cyrus—fantastic! And Lady Gaga. I love the way she’s elevated pop to performance art, or dragged performance art down to pop, or maybe made a wonderful amalgam of the two.”

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